Struers (Shanghai) Ltd is a fully owned subsidiary of Struers ApS, Denmark. Struers is the world leading manufacturer and supplier of materialographic sample preparation equipment, consumables and application solutions. Struers has been established in China since 2004 and today have many offices supplying and supporting material testing laboratories in the automotive, microelectronics, steel industries among others as well as universities and research organizations.
For more information on Struers please visit www.struers.com. Struers offers a dynamic and international environment in a healthy and fast growing company. The employment will be followed up by extensive training in our field.
司特尔Struers 总部位于丹麦哥本哈根,是固体材料微观结构分析表面处理设备和耗材产品的世界领先生产商,相关产品在全球市场的占有率超过了45%。自1875年成立以来,司特尔从早期从事传统实验室设备供应逐步转变为专门从事材料微观结构分析制备设备的开发和生产。目前我们已经在制备、测试以及分析包括金属、陶瓷、塑料及其它材料的各种类型试样方面取得了很大成就。产品广泛应用于质量试验、失效分析和固体材料研究。
司特尔拥有一大批高水平的维修服务人员和具有丰富经验的金相分析专家,并已形成一个全球性的销售网络。 在中国,我们在多个大中城市设有办事处,并在广州、上海、北京等地驻有技术服务工程师。也期待有志之士的加入!